The medicinal plant hops is used - in addition to being used as an ingredient in beer - for stomach problems and loss of appetite. In addition, hops have a calming effect and help with anxiety. Hop tea is also effective against insomnia and loss of appetite.
The hop cones of the female flowers contain bitter substances in the hop resin. These include acylphloroglucides such as humulone and lupulone, as well as bitter acids. In addition, the cones contain essential oil with substances such as humulene or caryophyllene, proanthocyanidin-type tannins and flavonoids.
Depending on the variety, hops contain different amounts of hop bitter substances and essential oils. The resinous mass is divided into "soft resin", which contains the hop bitter substances (humulone and lupulone) and the "hard resin", which is insoluble in petroleum ether and mainly represents the oxidation products of the soft resin. It also contains phenolic acids, flavanones, chalcones (xanthohumol) and nitrogenous compounds. In laboratory tests, xanthohumol proved to be anti-cancer and efforts are being made to increase the content in beers.
Their aerosols have a moisturizing effect on the skin, as well as promoting sleep and calming.